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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Canon Adds Rebates on D.S.L.R.’s and Lenses

Just in time for Mother’s Day (or whatever shopping excuse works for you), Canon is offering instant rebates of up to $300 on two of its popular D.S.L.R. cameras and up to $500 on a slew of lenses.

Not all retailers are participating in the rebate program, so it will pay to shop around. For instance, Canon has an instant rebate of $200 on a Rebel XSi kit (which includes an 18mm-55mm lens) when purchased with an additional 55mm-250mm IS lens. At B&H Photo, the pair costs $849 with the $200 instant rebate. Without the instant rebate, the bundle will cost you $1,100 at Ritz Camera or $954 purchased separately at

Canon is also offering $300 off an EOS 50D kit that includes an EF-S 18mm-200mm IS lens, for a total of $1,599.

Instant rebates are available for 18 lenses, some very mainstream and some very specialized (and expensive). Also look for instate rebates on three Speedlite flash units.

Canon says the instant rebates aren’t available everywhere but should be available at many authorized dealers and larger shopping sites. I did a quick survey and found the rebates at B&H Photo, but not Amazon, Best Buy,, or Ritz Camera.

You need not be quick on the trigger, however. The instant rebates will be in effect through July 11.

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